Commode in Floral Marquetry
Transition period chest of drawers in floral marquetry of exotic woods, bronze, and marble. French, 18th century…
Table Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau side table in carved walnut and marble. French, 20th century…
Sofa Louis XVI
A Louis XVI-style sofa in painted beechwood and silk. French, 19th century…
Corner Chair 'Viardot'
Corner chair in natural wood and upholstery, in the Japanese style, attr. to Gabriel Viardot. French, circa 1880…
Commode Louis XVI ‘Crespi’
Commode Louis XVI in mahogany, marble and bronze, by FB Crespi. French, 18th century...
Armoire Louis XV
Armoire Louis XV in marquetry, lacquered panels and bronze. French, 18th and 19th century…
Large Armchair Louis XV
Louis XV-style armchair in carved and stained walnut. French, 19th century…
Four Chairs Louis XVI
Suite of four chairs Louis XVI in beechwood and upholstery. French, 18th century…
Commode Regence
Regence-style commode, walnut. Belgian, late 19th / early 20th century...
Armchairs Transition 'Lebas'
A pair of armchairs in carved and painted beechwood and upholstery, attributed to JB Lebas. French, 18th century…
Bergere Louis XVI ‘Menant’
A bergere in carved and painted beechwood and upholstery, stamped FC Menant. French, 18th century...
Armchairs Transition
A pair of armchairs in natural walnut and upholstery. French, 18th century...
Armchair Empire
An armchair in carved beechwood and leather, attributed to Jacob-Desmalter. French, early 19th century…
Large Armchair Louis XV
A large Louis XV armchair in natural beechwood. French, 18th century…
Table Marquetrie de Cubes
A salon table in exotic wood veneers, marble, and bronze. French, 18th century…
Commode Transition
Commode transition in marquetry, bronze, and marble. French, 18th century...
Armchair Transition
Transition armchair in carved and painted Beechwood and upholstery. French, circa 1770...
Large Commode Louis XVI
Grand chest of drawers Louis XVI in marquetry, marble and bronze. French, circa 1790-1800…
Salon Louis XVI 'H Jacob'
Salon Louis XVI of five pieces in painted beechwood, stamped H. Jacob. French, 18th century…
Armchairs Transition ‘Lelarge’
A pair of armchairs in carved and painted beechwood and upholstery, attributed to J.B. Lelarge. French, 18th century…
Low Armchair Louis XV
A large low armchair in carved walnut and upholstery. French, 18th century…
Armchairs Regence
A pair of armchairs in natural wood and upholstery. French, 18th century...
Armchair Regence
An armchair in walnut, caning, leather, and fabric. French, 18th century...
Armchair Louis XV 'Meunier'
An armchair in carved and painted beechwood and upholstery, stamped Meunier. French, 18th century…
Commode Transition 'Petit'
A commode in marquetry, bronze and marble, attributed to Nicolas Petit. French, mid 18th century...
Armchairs Louis XVI Jansen
A pair of Louis XVI-style armchairs in gilt beechwood. French, attr. to Jansen, circa 1890…
Console Table Louis XIV
Large Louis XIV-style console table in carved and gilt wood and marble. French, 19th century…
Armchair Louis XVI
Louis XVI-style armchair in painted beechwood and fabric. French, 20th century…
Armchair Louis XV ‘Foliot’
Large armchair Louis XV in carved and painted beechwood and upholstery, stamped NQ Foliot. French, 18th century, circa 1760…
Armchairs Louis XVI
A pair of Louis XVI-style armchairs in gilt beechwood. French, circa 1900…
Coffee Table
Low table in wrought iron, gilt wood, and reverse-painted glass. French, 20th century…
Armchairs Transition 'Jacob'
A pair of armchairs in natural carved beechwood and leather upholstery, model G Jacob. French, 18th century…
Salon Louis XVI 'Lebas'
A sofa and pair of armchairs in carved and painted beechwood and upholstery, stamped Lebas. French, 18th century...
Armchair Louis XV
An armchair in carved and painted beechwood and upholstery. French, 18th century...
Armchair Transition 'Courtois'
An armchair in carved and painted beechwood and upholstery, stamped N.S. Courtois. French, 18th century...
Bed Frame Louis XVI
A bedframe in carved, painted and partially gilt wood and upholstery, for 140 x 200 cm mattress. French, 19th century...