Armchairs Regence
A pair of armchairs in natural wood and upholstery. French, 18th century...

With high, flat backs, curved arm rests, and large seats, on curved legs ending in hoof feet, connected by a stylized X stretcher. Armrests, seat rail, legs and stretcher display delicately carved with motifs including interlacing designs, scallop shells, acanthus leaf, and crosshatching.
One from the French Regence period, circa 1725, the other a later copy.
Newly upholstered in a woven polychrome fabric of large asymmetrical floral and fruit design in shades of rose, red, green, and blue against a subtly striped ground of beige and pale yellow. Fabric from Colony.
Both chairs in very good condition, structurally sound with solid joints. The 18th century chair shows signs of wear, restorations and replacements (it is almost 300 years old). The later copy is of very nice quality, with subtly carved detailing. Both chairs newly upholstered.
Very decorative as well as comfortable.
Height: 102 cm
Width: 64 cm
Depth: 65 cm